Treatment plans vary based on the goals of the patient, and if referral of care is deemed appropriate that will be discussed. However, the primary focus is holistic, natural, and science-based care. Thus these are some of the most common types of things discussed in a care plan:

  • Manual/Myofascial Therapies
    • The body is a highly developed web of connective tissue. Fascia is both a part of and connector for muscles, bones, joints, organs, etc. etc. etc. Just like a web, something impacting one area of this matrix impacts another. Further, the nervous system is highly integrated into this and also makes various connections between systems. Thus focused muscle and tissue work or adjustments are often a part of most care plans due to its wide-ranging impacts, and the common problems of modern movement habits.
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations
    • Every person is unique. There is no cookie-cutter (pun intended) nutrition or lifestyle plan for all individuals. We all have our own challenges, our own genetics, and our own health history that change the nutrients our bodies need or the level of stress we can place on them. This is a major part of getting to the “why” of a condition. Be prepared to make some changes! This is your health story after all. Let’s make sure you’re writing the plot outcome you truly want!
  • Focused supplementation
    • While the bread and butter (again, the pun is totally intended) of nutrition is in lifestyle changes, sometimes specific and focused nutrients might be used to fill a void that is otherwise difficult to attain. For example, most traditional cultures include a range of various herbs and organ meats as part of a normal diet. In our sheltered, western world this is far less common. Thus sometimes supplements are used in a focused way for additional support.